
Are You Human? Take the Test.


We have a tendency to  forget the little, everyday things that make us a part of this large mass of people called the human race.  

The common phrase, “You are only human,” sometimes only comes into play when we are trying to make sense of a mistake, slip up or a seemingly wrong turn made on our path.

When we need an excuse from our actions, we remind ourselves that we are “only human,” or  when we remember that we are not superman or superwoman (although I do think we all possess certain super powers).

It seems as though being “only human”at times is our last resort — when in fact it is our reality, our truth, and when we remember, it becomes a threshold to feel connected to 7 billion other “only human” beings on the planet.

It can be helpful to remember at times that we all go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning. That we all brush our teeth and that we are all searching for answers to similar questions: Why are we here? What will the future bring?  Why was reality television even invented?

Take a moment to ponder these questions and when you are ready, you may begin the test.

Please make a mark with your pencil if something applies to you.

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When in high places do you worry you might just jump?


Do you sometimes have to find the perfect angle for your alarm clock before you go to sleep?


Sometimes when you are going to the left, do you turn right because it is easier?


Do you ever realize that you have been chewing to the rhythm to a song?


Have you ever purposely lowercased the first letter of a text so that you appear disappointed?


Do you secretly get pissed off when someone presses an elevator button that you have already pressed?


Do you sometimes daydream what someone will say at your funeral?


Have you ever flipped off another driver and then realized they were only trying to tell you your lights were off?


Have you ever lied about something stupid and then realized there was no reason to lie and then spent the rest of your day wondering why you did?


When speaking to someone do you wonder what would happen if you just slapped them?


Do you seem to have lost your boarding pass 100,000 times when walking from security to your gate?


Have you ever caught yourself looking for an “undo” button in real life?


Do you feel unnaturally good when a waitress calls you honey or babe?


Have you ever been secretly proud that you were the first person to clap at the end of a performance?

If you answered yes to five or more of these then yes, you are indeed human.



{Funny Creatures}



Rebelle Society
Rebelle Society is an online hub for writers, artists and creators sharing their stories and celebrating the Art of Being Alive. Join us on Facebook & Instagram for inspiration and Creative Rebellion. Join our Rebelle Insider List along with thousands of Dreamers & Doers around the world for FREE creative resources, special discounts on our programs, soul fuel & motivation to love and create your life.
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