archives, yoga





By Erin Kouvas.

I want to run out into the grass

behind this cut out I look out from,

and fade away into it.

I want to become one with it.

feeling the beat

of immortality.

I want to let go of all my

worrying and scurrying

 and trying to be better.

Having faith that this just
and that there is no tomorrow.

There is always now
and now
and now.

And God sits with you there.
Shining like the sun.

Do you feel it?


Erin-Kouvas-225x300Erin Kouvas is a believer in dreams, magic and other people. She would like to share her gifts with the world and inspire others to do the same. A writer since childhood, a yogi, yoga instructor and lover of life, she only hopes to become the best person that she can be in this lifetime. Which does not mean being annoyingly perfect… (because she is nowhere near perfect, thank God!) She considers herself a perfect work in progress. She would love it if you would travel awhile with her on her journey… Namaste!




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