
A Wild Abandoned Dance. {poetry}

“If I had my way, we’d sleep every night all wrapped around each other like hibernating rattlesnakes.” ~ William S. Burroughs

She can feel the cold

pressing against her fingertips,

as she touches the cool glass window.

She is as high as the New York skyline

in a luminous glass room.

With the most ghastly glittery views of Paris.

Fingertip reflections on glass

of the once faint-hearted.

Her curiosity flourishing.

She wants to be swept away,

to foreign lands of emotion

where feelings get the better of her.

Oh, beloved beckoning.

Deep within this frozen safe infinity,

urge her to gaze out

and feel the familiar thumping of her soul.

Show her she is brimmed with hope,

Not choking on her own demise.

This little fear,

her darling foe…

Will she be ready to take the plunge

into the untouched,

tarnished world?

Be within and without.

Free falling,


completely engulfed.

Her fingertip reflections on glass

wiped clean of the traces once left.

The life once lived.

She is mapped with scars

from kissing boys.

Little deserted islands of dream

erupting over silky oceans of skin.

Her desire.

Unsympathetic desire,

bequeathed with the thought

that to live

is to desire,

and desire leads to suffering,

and suffering comes easy.

“To see the world, things dangerous to come, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel, that is the purpose of life.” ~ The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Let her freeze-frame

the rip curl of a wave,

taint it with the colors of a rainbow.

Rest beneath its crystal blanket for a while.

Lick the salt off her lips,

be sensual in her knowing,

before she rides the wave like a child




Let her graciously waltz

into a room full of people

Where they know her name and see her.

That old familiar feeling

depicted in books and movies,

so tangible…

Sharing a degustation banquet

with hearty portions of laughter, music, dance.

They’d dance as one, yet unattached

Lapping up the love and affinity

that fills the spaces in-between.

“But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you.” ~ Khalil Gibran

 Let her caress the spaces

in their togetherness,

then get wasted on the sweet juices of life.

Taste the fragrant drunkenness of her being,

be saturated with intoxications of his soul.

“Kiss me now. Don’t ask me how… Baby I’m a fool who thinks it’s cool to fall in love.” ~ Melody Gardot, ‘Baby I’m a Fool’

Let her be a fool,

A fool to fall in love with life.

A fool to fall in love with him.

Let her feel him kiss her bloody heart.

Let her kiss his too.

Take it to places it’s never been before.

Dance a sweet salsa of amour fou.

“Kiss me like you wanna be loved.” ~ Ed Sheeran, ‘Kiss me’

Oh dearest,

Chip away all that is not beauty within.

Leave her not to whither away in desire or want.

Leave her be.

A pristine Lotus.

Murky but pure.

Flowing with uncertainty.

Gushing with sincerity.

Bursting into life.


The wild abandoned dance of truth. 

“Let me… O let me bathe my soul in colors. Let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow.” ~ Khalil Gibran

 Let her roam.

follow the road less traveled

‘Tis where she belongs.

Choosing not to walk alone

But in




and love…

“They say love is the best medicine… unless you don’t take it.” ~ Gossip Girl

Let her be moved.

Let her be touched.

Let her be swooped by a passionate kiss.

A kiss,

That changes everything…

For her heart is the sun, that has risen over his wild abandoned horizon.


MaruleMacKayMarulé MacKay is a dreamer, a foodie, a sensualist and a tree-hugger. She is a bibliophile, an iPhoneographer, a passionista, an idealist and a hippie. She is also an explorer, a talkative introvert, a chocoholic, a traveler and a free spirit. She is all of these things and she is none of these things. She finds solace in music, lyrics, writing and art. She loves spending time with her playful inner child, and dreams of living in the French countryside, surrounded by fields of lavender and riding her bicycle with a basket to the food markets for her daily dose of freshness and of course have lots of animals. Make beauty, not war! Peace out. You can reach her by email or on Facebook.


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