
Stop Trying to Kill Your Ego, Love Her Instead.


There’s all this talk about killing off the ego, as if the same intelligence that holds up the sun and spins the earth made a mistake in giving humans an individuated sense of self, as if this sense somehow precludes our capacity to understand the interconnectedness of all things.

You cannot kill your ego, and any attempt to do so is, ironic as it sounds, an ego trick. Contrary to consciousness propaganda, your ego is not a mistake made by nature that you must undo with your spirit breath.

If your ego mind, your conscious mind, your personality is somehow circumventing your happiness, it is because it is unhealthy. Egos get sick. Installing a New Age guru in your head isn’t going to heal your ego.

Panicking over the laws of magnetic resonance (LOA) because your unwell ego is chattering through its illness (the only way it can ask for help) because you fear it will bring destruction upon your house is counter-productive.

Your brain is an evolutionary masterpiece. Mind, while limited, is far from useless, innately bad, or even specifically obstructive. Your subconscious is a living library that remembers all the stories of the universe, especially the ones that are a part of you.

If you stop treating your ego like your enemy, and start dealing with all the negativity in your mind with compassion and non-resistance, with reasonableness, logic and deep, abiding love, she will start to heal.

As your ego is slowly and gently led to health and wellness, you will begin to realize that she has always been your ally. She only wanted to keep you safe from disappointment, rejection, and other harm caused by other sick egos. She was only trying to ward off the forces that injure the mind.

As a result, she has been injured, she has caught the disease she’d spent all your life trying to ward off. Ineffective quarantine and hatred pointed inward keeps you from moving on.

Without her, you would never be able to maneuver your physical life into alignment with the life that makes your heart sing.

Your ego is not stopping you. She is serving you the best way she can in her crippled state.

Nursing her back to health is a long-term commitment. It doesn’t matter if you live in a culture of throw-away things; this, you cannot escape. This, you may not discard.

You have two choices: live with your suffering, or treat the disease. The process of healing is hard labor, but it is labor that goes someplace new. Living with a sick ego is also hard labor, but it never gets easier, and you never relocate.

Instead, your heart stays in quiet yearning and the life you dream of remains impossible to align with.

Instead of trying to withhold happiness and love from yourself based on an impossible demand (i.e. You may have the money, love, freedom that will make you happy if you will just shape up and stop having a broken bone, diabetes, cancer…) you could instead allow the chaos, apply the medicine, hold her while she wails and start becoming true again.

Let your ego express her grief, her rage, her terror about the exile, the torture, the abuse, the invisibility and the lack of appreciative acknowledgement that rendered her a foe, when all she wanted to do is serve you, your heart, your life and your mission.

Hold her like a wailing child in your arms. She has survived a war and lost it all. Her mother: your heart, has been removed from her reality, and she grieves while her mother seeks the innocent child, the victim of circumstance left behind.

Let not the suffering your ego manages for you be in vain.

As you resurrect her in your arms, as her true nature emerges, you will see how  much you have lost, and you will grieve because it was your own blindness that has allowed this to happen.

At the same time, your compassion practice will remind you that much of this distortion was unavoidable, and the holy moment when you start to love your ego will transform you.

As your ego begins to get healthy, you will become more yourself. That which is untrue may not come to the temple door, for it has no offering to lay upon the altar.

You need access to the truer, personal self, because only you may knock upon the door of your own Divinity.

The programs in you, the secret monsters, the voices of your governments, tribe and culture have no life in you but that which you are giving them, and these elements are the swine to which divine pearls may not be thrown.

It is not the ego itself that is the problem. It is a sickness that comes from ignorance of our authentic selves, made manifest that we might see with true eyes.

You don’t need to kill your ego. Make it healthy and you will see its purpose. You will remember that you were created perfectly. There has been no mistake. Yes, even your (gasp!) ego serves the One Love, but it cannot serve when it is sick.



 {Turn Your Enemy into an Ally}


Alison Nappi

Alison Nappi

Alison Nappi is the creator of The Wildness Deck; she is a writer, a creative consultant, and spiritual teacher coaching Wild Women back to the arts of creation and embodiment through ceremony, creativity, and oracular feats of wildness and wonder. When she splits off from the pack, you may find Alison howling at the moon through a thick canopy of trees, singing songs with trumpeting daffodils, or dancing her embodied prayers around a campfire, mud in her hair. Like Alison on Facebook or send an email to be added to her mailing list.
Alison Nappi