
The Blood Moon Healing the Rift Between the Sexes the Wild Women’s Way.


I was really attuned yesterday to the great power of the moon and the myths and memories of women who have engaged her for eons.

So powerful was the high tide of the last Blood Moon in my womb that my cycle began, leaving me in reverence and awe as my body realigned herself with its nature.

As is true for many wildish women, I am a feeling creature. There are many things I just know, quite suddenly, quite surely. I am forged from recycled materials, as are you, and these materials: the stardust and the ancient soil of my cells, have memories.

I am not free to discard these sudden knowings. They are the kinds of truths that change me. The stories that live are entrusted to me. They are not dead things, and they are not selfish things. They are stories that can change how one lives.

They are stories that can breathe an ancient breath into the deadened of spirit. They are stories that can save my life, or yours.

These gifts emerge from a field of potential. They decide when it is their time. They alone judge whether I may access the secrets they contain. They choose me, and I choose you.

As a global sisterhood, wild women embody every aspect of the feminine divine. Every woman is a Kali, an Aphrodite, a Saintly Mother, a Baba Yaga. Every woman is the offspring of She-Who-Knows.

Every woman has the capacity to bestow peace and grace, or destruction and chaos, and the wild woman can be trusted to know when to use each of these attributes and many more.

Women are largely willing and able to forgive, but redemptive action is necessary to heal the rift created by thousands of years of violence and bloodshed.

We have re-established our wild natures by holding ourselves accountable for what we have miscreated, and taking action to absolve the effects of our past confusions. We have come to deep understanding of the price we have paid to please the forces all around us.

We gave ourselves away. Of even greater import: we mounted our dragons and picked up our swords and took back what is rightfully ours. We required no interest, nor have we stolen extra booty on our retrieval missions.

Wild women act with honor and courage, and we expect conscious men to do so as well.

Men must admit that they, too, have been duped. This alone is a beginning.

Men must acknowledge that they too have been caged, been tormented, been violently cut away from their natural birthrights by a society that is run by psychopaths who desire nothing but control, fear and dysfunction that allows them to remain godlike: choosing life or death for anyone, anywhere, on a whim.

Men must confront the truth of the matter: they have been emotionally castrated; their ability to express feeling has been cut away from them and as a result they a full of unresolved rage and longing that results in an acting out that does fall into one of the limited expressions of psycho-emotional energy they are permitted to engage in: sports, sex, production or violence.

The wild woman knows that men have a long and complicated journey to get back to themselves: no less complex, no less traumatic, no less excruciating than her own. The wild woman knows what is involved, even though the details are different.

She also knows what is at stake: everything.

The wildish one wants to fight for you. She wants to spill her medicine into you. She wants to sing over your bones. The wild women will conjure great storms for you, she will churn the earth beneath your feet and reveal treasures you have walked over, unnoticed, again and again.

She can see you are starving. She can see you have no compass. She knows you have been turned inside-out and upside down and fractured by war and heartache.

The wild woman wants you to know what she knows about you already: underneath all your confusions, your conditions, your rage and terror, is something divine. She wants you to grow into your holiness, your godliness, your truer more powerful self.

Men today need the wildish woman more than ever. She can take an earnest seeker by the hand, and show him the cave of his treasure, his inheritance, but there are prerequisites, and they are not simple, they are not dating rules or jewelry.

They are tests of character: openness, willingness, honor, compassion, courage, respect, non-violence, earnestness and honesty. You will need these things, or you will be lost in the jungles of her.

Yes, men. The wild woman may rage when she comes into contact with the suffering caused by your abandonment of your post, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you.






Alison Nappi

Alison Nappi

Alison Nappi is the creator of The Wildness Deck; she is a writer, a creative consultant, and spiritual teacher coaching Wild Women back to the arts of creation and embodiment through ceremony, creativity, and oracular feats of wildness and wonder. When she splits off from the pack, you may find Alison howling at the moon through a thick canopy of trees, singing songs with trumpeting daffodils, or dancing her embodied prayers around a campfire, mud in her hair. Like Alison on Facebook or send an email to be added to her mailing list.
Alison Nappi