Rebelle Society

Daily Archives:


How Much Do We Know Ourselves?

Kindness and compassion ran to our arms. When we thought before we did not deserve the journey, An inner voice kindly whispered, “Go! Run and grab the opportunity to start over and forgive yourself again.”

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Emerald Dreams And Surrender.

The color emerald has been appearing for several nights now. It began as a hillside, Wizard of Oz type of metaphor, then landed me smack dab in a calm sea with large black rocks underneath. In both instances, the scenery was as green and beautiful as Ireland herself.

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Cutting The Head Off The Mediocre Monster.

Were you caged as I was? Comfortable in the way you were living, and not really hungering for anything new? Were you pulled out of it against your will? Did you rebel? Are you eternally grateful to who- or what- ever showed you a different way of being?

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