
The Art Of Opening: Sing Into Being.

I woke up this morning with fresh gifts of sight and sound.

A vision of coyotes flashed before me as my boyfriend’s touch rushed me from a dream. He pulled me out, but the timing was exquisite because it marked me with a vision.

I saw deep blue hues of a pickup truck filled with coyotes — mothers and pups. And a song was playing in my head. She moves in mysterious ways, by U2.

This was all on top of my thoughts from the night before, the eve of this morning’s sensations, as my mind played with the symbol of the union of lovers.

The potency of the reflection, the interaction, the synergy, of giving and receiving, mirrors to us the ideal of our own relationship to existence itself.


The message. The symbols. The knowing. The way we are spoken to, nourished, beyond recognition of it. To consider the intuition of information that we gather like sweet berries, so we will grow.

As the sun speaks to a seed, way below the surface, as it is buried in dark, rich, fertile soil — to produce a flower — I wonder how aware we are of the fusions we create based upon our states of being.

Like seeds in a garden, are we.

Symbols speak faster than words. They’re well able to tell tall tales and override the limitations we hold in our minds as beliefs. Life births symbols, much like humans create art — as a form of expression for expansion.

I looked up the symbol the coyote was speaking to me. The animal totem teaches how to live amidst paradox — how to laugh, shapeshift, trust, be cunning and foolish, wise and yet stupid; ultimately how to not take it all so seriously.

Known as the trickster, coyote medicine conjures childhood innocence, an ability to laugh and be light as we encounter what we do. Ina Woolcott words it beautifully, explaining coyotes teach us to let go of masks and sing humans into being with illumination.

Sing humans into being. Like the sun to the seed. Like the symbols I see. Like the song in my head, and the vision, with the dream.

There’s wisdom that’s hidden, the coyote tells us. To be light and illuminated is to draw it out.

She moves in mysterious ways. I suppose the coyote might like this song, and maybe even selected it for me. It pours a similar wisdom. The song sings about a light, or force (love), beyond our knowing.

The disparate darkness is kissed by illumination, an un-seeable force that is far greater than current perceptions.

Like the sun to the seed: Trust. Be held. Carried. Grow. Receive the light.

The touch of my boyfriend, the human earth element, ignited a doorway for me to hold spirit, infinite presence, within my flesh. It let me wake up to what was singing through me.

Sing humans into being.

I don’t know why we’re not aware of the divinity within us, the endless music of creation that is forever giving and receiving — like lovers, all around us. Perhaps the deep blue hues of the pickup truck messenger in my dream offer a clue.

Truth, it holds us. It’s right before us, and all around us, opening if we dare allow ourselves to see darkness with no fear.

Be like the coyote and sing, in mysterious ways.


JulieASergelJulie A. Sergel was born a curious soul, raised by the wind and held by the moon. She loves both city and country, prefers adventure and otherworldly companions, and knows her heartbeat to be held by IAmCitizenJane, a lifestyle brand, philosophy and movement, whose sole purpose is to inspire women to enjoy and explore themselves and the worlds in which they are found.


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