Rebelle Society

Daily Archives:


Anywhere ‘Should’ Is, Pain Is Too.

What if rather than making it a personal, individualized, thing, looking at how we are not enough and we need to change, we need to look at society, at the system? What if we need to take the conversation further afield, away from ourselves and into the community in which we live?

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Young Witch, You Are Everything!

Hear the ghost-whispers of the women buried in unmarked graves who were killed in front of their children; they could not say these words aloud once their tongues were cut out, so you speak for them now as much as for yourself: I am everything. I am the howl of the wolf. I am the groan of the  ...

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you & me

Our Symphony Has Stopped: A Letter To My Lost Love.

Your new life is in a home I'll never visit, filled with furniture I'll never see. But there amongst the books and trinkets, amidst the coffee cups and sheets, there are traces of me. Of us. An echo of laughter. An imprint of interlaced fingers. An unfinished argument. A chapter that never  ...

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