Rebelle Society

Daily Archives:

you & me

Where Love Is, Fear Rides Shotgun.

Fear can make us stay when we’re supposed to move, it can make us leave when we’re supposed to stay. Fear can make us run. It can paralyze us. It makes things complicated. It is the thing that makes you question all yo’ shit. It can make us forget that we love ourselves.

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Darling. {poetry}

I swallow the rest of my wine, and slide the lip-stained glass to the bartender I lean over and touch her arm as my matte black nails drag softly over her skin She turns her attention away from the poor sap who never stood a chance

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Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm).

In a culture where we are meant to present this glistening image of ourselves or else hide away in the shadows, where we are meant to 'keep calm and carry on', where stoicism, perfectionism and progressive success reign supreme, I say, show us your tears, your anguish, your grief, you  ...

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