Rebelle Society

Daily Archives:


My Mind is Fine, It’s My Brain That’s Insane.

The mind has to tell the body that there is no option of staying in bed and that it must make it to class and to work despite the 1,000 pound lead body suit. Thank you, Seraquil. The mind has to tell the brain to stop whispering thoughts of suicide because the heart is just about to give in.  ...

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Bohemian Horoscopes: July 2016.

Expect power-plays in close relationships around July 7-8. If you try to do too much, then you’ll just end up feeling super stressed. So pace yourself, Crabs, take things one step at a time, and try not to take offense when others make silly or insensitive remarks. Things pick up around July  ...

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From Shiver to Quiver, Dust to Lust.

I wonder what it’s like in your head, not just in your bed, where orgasms preside and emotional baggage is checked at the door. The bed you enter in the dark like a tornado, and escape from in the light like an illuminating lightning storm. The kind of storm one wants to get close to because of  ...

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