Rebelle Society

Daily Archives:


Emotions: The Great Taboo.

What do we do usually do to children though immediately when a feeling arises? We become uncomfortable, diving into our selves. We cannot handle it, so we try to stop it by saying Don't cry. We get angry because we don’t know what to do. It scares us as we feel helpless. In turn, the child  ...

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you & me

Minding My Normal: Peaceful, But a Bit of a Job.

My husband and my children do not subscribe to my pages upon pages of thoughts and poetry and observations. They are loving and supportive, and they most likely skim my wordy musings from time to time. I can only imagine that there are minor moments of clarity for them as they read, if they  ...

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Sexually Transmitted Shame.

This is for the women who have been told they might not be able to have children. You are still a woman, this does not diminish your worth. This is for anyone who has been shamed based off of their bodies' responses to abusive partners, toxic relationships or unknown diseases. Whether it is a  ...

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