Rebelle Society

Daily Archives:

you & me

Please Don’t Call Me When You’re Lonely.

Birds are smarter than they look, you know. They used to say that about me. So you know that dream, the one you’ve been telling me about for years? Please fly away and go do it already. Because nobody else will ask you to, and the only person waiting is yourself. And when you do it, I hope it  ...

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I Dare You to Fall For Your Best Friend.

Money does not show up when you find you are overwhelmed with grief. Attractiveness does not comfort you when you are suffering from loss. Power gets you nowhere when you are feeling lonely or ill. A best friend is the person who makes you smile through pain, listens when you need to be heard,  ...

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You Are Safe in This Wilderness.

I cannot connect with the idea of a calling that can be translated perfectly into a paycheck, a position, or a fixed identity associated with something I do. If I have one, my vocation is to be alive, to listen quite literally to my body and its rhythms: Every. Single. Moment. And to honor and  ...

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