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The Grass Is Always Greener…


I believe that it was Sheryl Crow who sang, “It’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got.” Why is it that we are never quite satisfied with what we have?

Nothing ever quite seems good enough. It’s the insatiable thirst for more.

Life is really so simple. Our monkey minds just make it more complicated. “Keep to the path, child,” Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother told her. She was right.

Stay the course. Live intuitively. Follow your passions. It’s all the old clichés, but you know what? They’re true. Just do the next right thing in front of you. Of course, there really is no such thing as right or wrong as some people say. There are just choices that take you farther along on your path, and choices that take you off of the trail. You know, off in the weeds where the poison ivy and ticks are.

Learn to listen to the callings of your soul. Be present and still. Go within. More statements that everyone and their grandpa uses these days, but you know what? They’re also true.

When you take the time to go within, to give yourself space, and to ask yourself, “What is my higher purpose and how can I live it?” your path will be laid out for you. This is conscious living. It is living on purpose.

So why is this article called The Grass Is Always Greener you may be wondering, when I keep rambling on about living your purpose and following your soul? Because living this way is easy. Too easy. So easy that we have to overcomplicate life in order to make ourselves feel productive.

We’re so used to working ourselves until we drop, and believing that life has to be backbreaking, that we bite off more than we can chew in order to feel worthwhile. We lust after what other people have because we are uncomfortable with the simplicity of the moment, with having less on a material level, and with feeling less competent than someone else.

Instead of appreciating what we have, utilizing our own talents, and simply walking our path, we make life harder than it’s supposed to be.

We seek more, we fill the void, we look at the rich and famous and become envious and desirous. As if living in a mansion will solve everything.

What you have and who you naturally are is enough. You don’t need the bells and whistles. You just need you, the Real You. The You that lives a higher purpose. The You that walks simply, following the messages you are given, keeping to the path laid out in front of you, and doing what you feel moved to do.

The grass isn’t greener on the other side. The grass is greener on your side. Sheryl Crow was right. Want what you’ve got, and live in gratitude for all that you have. If you aren’t satisfied with what you have, and are envious of other people, even if you did finally get what they have, it eventually wouldn’t be enough.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting something different for yourself, but allow your desires to come forth from the deepest parts of you, from the place of meaningfulness, and not the place of lack and jealousy. Those are the desires that bring out true harmony and peace from within. Those are the desires that mean something.

Live your life according to a higher purpose and not the “little me” purpose of more, more, more, and all will be given to you that is meant for you. Just be open, walk simply, gracefully, and gratefully, and you will be on your merry way.


Victoria Ayres is a lover of writing and purposeful living. She enjoys empowering others to heal from old wounds, and shares tools on how to do that through her writing. Her new book, Out of the Fog, Into the Light, is available on Amazon. For inspiration on living a life of presence, passion, and purpose, please visit her website. You can also find Victoria on Facebook and Twitter.


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