
True Power Doesn’t Lie in Fear, It Rises in Love.


I listened to a piece on NPR the other day about “Women involved with white supremacy” and was so taken aback by the interviewee’s candid and blatantly heartbreaking truth that the tears rolled.

This woman avowed that white supremacy feeds on and practices the art of intimidation through inciting fear. She flat out bragged about it.

I guess the hardest part to consume was the fact that this white supremacist woman was so matter of fact about the use of angst and unease to recruit other women to her cause — a cause that is old and tattered, ugly and archaic, mind-numbingly wrong, but it is out there… it is.

She stated unequivocally that the fear factor is how they get people to join them.

While I have always known this kind of brainwashing exists, I could not believe that she would be so cavalier in her conviction, like a cold slap in our face, but soon the realization settled in and it looked like this: My goddess, if people won’t educate themselves and they allow the toxicity of fear-mongering to rule their lives, it is not a wonder they are led to believe anything.

Instinctively, women tend to connect to the mother (feminine) energy with a deeper understanding. They know of nurturing the goodness inside and in life, but when this is connection is lost, some will head to the darker warrior (available in us all) that runs with the wolves in sheep’s clothing. They gather the vulnerable with a collection of worrisome thoughts and say, “There is safety in numbers.”

They call to unite in an unjustifiable nightmare, seeking solidarity in their cause.

So, my sisters, my brothers, my family of love and light, this is a problem.

The disasters of the misinformed we encounter look random and chaotic, but they are not. They are succinct, purposeful and powerful. When nature rages, she has a purpose, she has a natural progression and intelligence, but when we rage, we are simply out of control. Unfortunately, we are oftentimes the sole victims of a toxic force with no one to blame but ourselves.

When fear rises, it is our humanness engaging in the chaos. Man-made disorder is comprised of negativity (ego), the challenge is to go beyond.

And when the backlash of truth explodes as a fear, it can have irreversible consequences. See, the truth can be a lonesome and desperate place, so it is much easier to create a veil, a mask, a shield to hide behind and evoke a fire that has been dormant for quite some time.

It is so very dangerous to deny this is happening. As groups amass and continue to propagate dramatic situations to try to keep us weak and ignorant, how do we protect the innocent?

I for one won’t stand for it, and I know true power doesn’t lie in fear, it rises in love.

And even with the best intended relationships, the truth can hold a violent side. Yet I know, a hierarchy of peace will override the hate hands down and we have a choice.

Hands to the heart center, I say a little prayer. In the meantime, the best I/we can do is be an advocate for the innocent, a voice for the voiceless, and send out love-driven messages seeped in truth no matter how monstrous the opposition seems. We are larger, smarter, and stronger than hate.

Don’t be intimidated by this truth, because the truth shall set us free.

Watch the way we divide as we unify. Division it is what we do from the moment of conception. We divide to become whole. This is the premise, the great law of our universe, and no matter how hard we try to come together, we will always be divided. To take a stand, we have to separate, but when done in love, we will multiply.

On bent knee, hands to heart center, I am with anyone — everyone — who will not tolerate the constant mental abuse, but I also know that locking arms is creating another barrier.

Mindful awareness is key. There are so many things that need our attention right now. Let’s put our focus on some love.


Debbie Lynn is a mother, grandmother, artist, writer, dancer, yogi, seeker of the soul, rock climber, rock collector, and has been known to run with scissors. She realized at a very young age that the outer reality was a far cry from her inner truth, and meeting her inner wisdom head on always turned into a challenge. The wonderment, curiosity and hypocrisy of life led to exploration and a cumulative documentation (art and journaling) of what she lovingly calls ‘the purge’. It is her way of ridding any negative energy from the daily grind. She says, “In essence, it is a way to start fresh and cleanse the soul.” Debbie has had numerous articles published in Elephant Journal, The Edge Magazine, Sail Magazine, Cruising Outpost, and is now a featured columnist at The Tattooed Buddha . Her daily posts can be found on Facebook.


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