archives, poetry

I Am ‘Wombyn’. {poetry}


Shakti is an embodiment of the Divine Feminine, present in all things, often dormant like the Kundalini snake coiled at the base of the spine, waiting to be activated and moved.

In Hinduism, she is the Goddess that is the primal energy of the Universe, the initial spark of creation. I had the experience of Shakti moving through me. My whole body was pulsing, my skin was sensitive, and I was shaking. It felt like the only way for the stimulation to stop was to allow words to flow through me onto paper.

It was as if I could feel all of the pain, passion and creativity of all women that have ever lived. It came in response to the White racism rallies that took place in Virginia in 2017. When I learned of the events, something switched on in me, something woke up, and I could not go back to sleep. The speaker is the sisterhood of women united in one voice, and she is speaking to the patriarchy.

I use the spelling ‘wombyn’ to express that woman comes from the womb.


I am taking the tape off of my lips;
I am revealing the blood red lines
that mirror the power of my blood lines —
deep crimson red, rose red, cherry red: juicy.

I am taking back my throne — legs wide open —
shining my magic, blasting life out
to create.

My bruises are healing.
I have cut the noose from my neck.

My words are flowing —

My Shakti is rising, she is pulsing through my veins
and like the network of rivers flowing to the sea,
she will not run dry.

She is electric.
And like the tornado,
she is begging for your blood.

My mouth is open;
my words are flowing;
and like the water falling to the canyon’s floor,
they will not stop.

Persistent, powerful, synchronized in harmony —
they will not stop, until we stand hand in hand —
as brother to sister, as sun to moon —
Divine, in sacred union —
Both halves complete in Love.

They will not stop, until our Mother is honored,
until her waters flow free and clean,
until her animals are taken out of slavery,
until all humans are honored as equal beings,
until our blood is given to the soil,
until we realign with the cycle of the moon,
until we dance in rhythm to the one heartbeat.

My words will always flow.

I am taking back my throne.
I am reclaiming my body.
I am stepping out of the pit.
I am taking back the words
that you used to defame me:
pussy, sissy, bitch, whore, witch.

Those words are mine.

I am ‘wombyn’. I am sisterhood.

I am healer, mother, earth, cosmos and crone.

My magic will cast spells onto you, incantations,
affirmations of equality, harmony, balance, unity and love.

My Shakti is every voice that has been muted —
is every cry that has been stifled —
is the potential of every child’s bright eyes —
is the growth of every plant into the sunrise.

My shakti rises to you.

Let us stand as sovereignty.

Let us stand as Queen and King

in Love.


Meghan Lockhart is a Yogini, Priestess Initiate, advocate, and writer. She is the creatrix of Wild Moon, where she offers her gifts and passion to the world through Yoga and transformational coaching. She works with the heart-centered, sensitive woman who is longing to connect to her deepest essence and to realize her own power as ‘wombyn’. She is a spiritual mystic lovingly exploring all things esoteric, and has been called a cosmic adventurer. She feels most connected in nature and in communion. She is a focalizer and gatekeeper for the Wild Moon Sisters etheric temple on Facebook, where she guides ceremony. She is a soul-midwife, bringing forth creative expression to assist the globe in its next evolution of consciousness. Meghan is currently studying in the 13 Moon Mystery School, and spends her workdays empowering and giggling with youth.


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