Rebelle Society

All Posts By:

Shawna Turner


The Shape of Fear.

My level of compassion rose for anyone who commits acts of violence out of fear. And as I looked for ways to honor the snake-being, I found a commitment to take my spiritual discipline to a deeper level.

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you & me

In 2017, Stand up for Yourself.

Find the strength to say No to anything, any situation or relationship that sounds wrong, disrespectful, less than what you need, untrue, unreliable, unfair. Distance yourself from what can’t reflect your inner beauty.

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Lady Justice. {poetry}

I called upon Lady Justice and my birth sun of Libra to help me to see all sides and facts clearly. I wore my hat of Saraswati as I researched for endless hours, dug through miles of false media, until finally I saw it -- the bright qualities and the severe flaws of both presidential candidates.

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It’s Against My Religion to Accommodate Nazis.

A deeper cut reveals a culture of psychopathy: a party sickened by its hatred, misogyny and xenophobia; grown too accustomed to deceit; blaming others for its missteps; compromised by a paralysis of ideas; resorting to character assassination and abject humiliation of perceived enemies;  ...

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Brave Rebels: Facing the Holidays with Healthy Defiance.

I’m all for crossing the gaps and building bridges over the wide divides. However, this Thanksgiving dinner may, for many, be a bit premature and not the right forum. It all depends on your family, the group dynamics at the party, and the loose cannons present who may make it hard for others to  ...

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Time to Unleash our Dragons.

What does my dragon spirit guide's behavior tell me? While elitism, classist prejudice, stereotyping and neglect can most certainly explain the many unexpected 'revenge votes' of this election, I think what's really at play, and what will be under continuous threat of being trumped this entire  ...

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