Rebelle Society

All Posts By:

Danielle Dulsky


Hello, Body Dysmorphia. It’s Me, Love.

I truly love myself and am grateful for where I am, a process that has taken many years, and as you can see, is never-ending. So when these moments happen, I send myself compassion and love. I allow myself to feel the feeling, do my best to live in the moment, and allow it to pass because... it  ...

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you & me

Shadow Labor: Delivery with the Full Moon.

Now we’ve arrived at the Full Moon in Capricorn. This cycle is providing a portal of release, an opportunity to burn the pages bearing the faded ghosts of your old alphabet. Don’t worry, new letters will appear, but this time they’ll come in the form of symbols... the symbols that you used to  ...

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Love Matters, but Where Is It?

Love is the expansion of holding the pain, the chaos, and hopelessness. Love is limitless. But we are on the edge of our love frontier. It extends into infinity, but are we the warriors willing to risk it and go there? The other side is dark and deep, and there are miles to go before we sleep,  ...

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How an Ending Brought Me Back to Life.

This is no time for the bash-your-ex friend or the I-told-you-so 'friend'. You want clean-energy people who are there to lift you up without having to bring down another person when doing so. If you don’t have these kinds of people around, find a support group or a therapist who can hold space  ...

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you & me

Tired Goddess, Let Down Your Hair‏.

When is the last time you knew that your ecstatic deep breaths ignite the very fire in your soul? That your own deepest pleasure is saving your life? The night you made love in the woods with the fireflies, a holy shroud around you both? You could not get enough, and you would beg for more.  ...

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