Rebelle Society

All Posts By:

Josephine Hicks


I Want Jealousy To Know She’s Not Alone.

You don't need to change jealousy, and I wouldn't suggest trying. That will only make her defensive. She craves, though she might not always see it, to go deeper inside her own darkness. Every jealous thought is an invitation to explore more of herself, and to ultimately love more of herself.

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A Feminine Path To Enlightenment.

As I went about doing the various tasks mothers do in our day-to-day lives, I couldn’t help but notice that there were many similarities between the things I was doing, simply by playing my mothering role, and the spiritual techniques I had been practicing and learning about previously. Yet, I  ...

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I’m Tired Of Trying To Make You Happy.

I had friends and coworkers calling constantly, wanting to come over and see me and meet the baby, and I would complain to my husband, Why on earth do they insist on coming over here? It's so rude! But I wouldn't dream of hurting their feelings with my honesty about how exhausted and  ...

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