Rebelle Society

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Carve Me A Bed. {poetry}

  Keep your Valentine from the grocery store.That thing of nothing,That anything for anyone. No, carve me a bed.That’s right. Yes, I did say that.Carve me a bed. Charge straight into the heart of the woodsunstoppable, and fall to your knees in the leavesand pray fervently to be shown our  ...

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Mother. {poetry}

At times I saw you as a lamb, timid and frail, But now I see that you are a wolf in the night, A hawk in flight, A woman warrior with invisible scars; Scars that tell a story -- a story of love, loss and life.

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The Edge and I. {poetry}

  I’ve never lived on the Edge. Or near it, really.Or in the fabulously fabled Center.I’ve mostly been mired in this marsh of a Middle.Like a toothless crocodile. You know the Edge, the legendary Edge.Seems everybody else has danced on it in toeshoes.Bragged about making love on it,in a  ...

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