Rebelle Society

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Twilight Wisdom and the Strength of My Shadow.

Choosing to do something that alienated me from the social norms of acceptance has triggered my own voice of self-hatred as well as a hidden, aching loneliness. It’s forced me to confront my vulnerability with a raw and raging heart. It’s shown me the strange and often taboo paradox of grief  ...

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Choose to Rewrite Happily Ever After.

I chose to fill my void with what I loved before I lost myself in the fuck-boy abyss. I chose to spend time traveling, reading, exploring different spiritualities, meeting new people. I chose to live for myself, and abandon my Disney-induced little-girl dreams. I chose a fairy tale in which the  ...

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I’m Not Running Away from Myself Anymore.

I never really understood why certain men were fascinated by me. I’m not talking about those who wanted to destroy an inner piece of me, you know, by taking advantage of the fact that I was easy. And that’s the thing: I was easy. Given the right time and moment, you could have had me like  ...

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Damn You, Destiny, and Fuck You, Fate.

I mourned for what I thought was our completion of each other. I mourned for our moral poverty and our perversion. I lamented our symbiotic synchronicity and our delicious heartburn disguised as desire. A little piece of my heart and soul left me that day, like a little piece of stiletto heel  ...

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Finding Life While Getting High on Death.

Red flags are those juicy peaches I want to get sloppy drunk with, make out with, and then, in a series of sweet but impulsively borderline-insane decisions, self-destruct with. People who desire destruction and eroticize death do so because danger makes this life feel all the more glittery,  ...

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