Rebelle Society

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What Is Yoga, Really?

Patanjali recognized this inherent limitation. In his often quoted and sourced Yoga Sutras, he states in one of the opening verses that Yoga is 'chitta vritti nirodha', roughly translating to 'the restraining or end of all fluctuations of the mind'.

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Feminist Yoga: What the World Needs.

To remove the veil of avidya or ignorance and false perception is a goal of Yoga practice. Similarly, removing the false veil of patriarchy which has us value only one perception of the world, the Masculine, is a goal of the feminist.

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Unconditional Faith: Ending the Guilty Pleasure Myth.

When I hear the word Faith, I associate it with elements of my Catholic upbringing. There is perhaps even a little undercurrent of judgment. Faith is lazy, blind, disconnected. I see a room full of believers waiting for someone else to tell them what's so. But when I really look at this  ...

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Yoga for Your Happily Ever After.

If we are genuinely seeking positive change in our lives, then we just get started. We choose the powerful practice of Yoga to facilitate our growth. We don’t hold expectations on how fast or slow this change should take place. We don’t berate ourselves when we have setbacks. We just start

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Muktasana: The Pose of Liberation.

In the United States, more than 20 prisons offer Yoga practices through the Prison Yoga Project, which provides teacher training and has sent more than 7,000 manuals to inmates so they can practice Yoga on their own. A similar program in the United Kingdom called the Prison Phoenix Trust  ...

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Until Triangle Do Us Part.

What’s better than having a mate who likes to explore for antiques or go rock climbing, just like you? Or practice Yoga? “When you merge your practice with another’s, you fall into sync with that person,” said Michelle Fondin, a Yoga teacher and member of the National Ayurvedic Medical  ...

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