Rebelle Society

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you & me

you & me

We Are One And The Same.

I heard you cry out the night she left for the first time, and the last. I heard you cry and the sound was too much for me to bear, so I taught you to rock yourself back to sleep. Every night I taught you this, for centuries.

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you & me

My Strange And Beautiful Truth.

She has a mouth like a sailor and laughs at her own jokes. She’s totally nuts and runs around the house like a five-year-old who’s had way too much Halloween candy. She makes up songs, sings show tunes while showering and farts like a trucker. She likes red wine, the occasional cigarette and  ...

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you & me

Confessions Of A Crazy Ex-Wife.

And I was finally free. Of the guilt and shame of divorcing him, of judging myself for being so crazy because I had done what was right for me. The moment I acknowledged that the power was mine was the moment I had it back.

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you & me

Thank You For Not Calling.

Some wonder why I’m thanking someone who hurt me so deeply and forever changed my life. Buddha’s saying pretty much says it all, Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Holding on to that rage and sadness was only hurting myself.

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