Rebelle Society

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you & me

you & me

For The Sensitive Warriors With Healing Hearts.

If something feels right to you deep down and won’t harm you or anyone else, just do it without delving into a myriad of endless questions or self-doubt, wondering how it all makes sense or how it will work out. The limited human mind often cannot make sense of the language of the heart and  ...

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you & me

Planetary Tribe: I Wish For Us To See Each Other.

But now we know and we feel more and more every day; the others are actually pieces of our own puzzle. They carry the energy and inspiration we need every day to fuel our lives. They give us the love we seek and they share with us the ideas we can develop. They might have found the key we lost,  ...

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you & me

How To Stop Perpetuating The Cycle Of Fear.

  I’m here to tell you that it is okay. You don’t need to worry, be sorry, or expect unrealistic things of yourself. I want to let you know that none of us are prepared for life. We’re born naked and helpless, victims of circumstance, and unable to choose when, where or how we come into,  ...

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