Rebelle Society

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you & me

you & me

Lover, You Cannot Keep Me.

There, in the depths of everything we never knew, we will find chinks of the chains that were discarded as we took flight into a sky that cried freedom. We will circle a sun that blazes its glory without apology for scorching the earth below.

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you & me

Please Don’t Try To Fix Me.

And in the process of waiting, I vow to never cease stirring the pot of questions. To let the flight of ideas and the whirl of ponders melt away my skin. Fleshy enclave of a beating heart made of questions, not answers. Love, not certainty. Life, not fear. Feeling over growth. Faith over  ...

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you & me

How To Love A Roller Coaster Girl.

While it seems like a lot to handle, I know you'll be up to the challenge. I strongly believe that we all have a soul mate, someone who can stand us at our worst and best. Just know that despite my ever-changing emotions, I will love you wholeheartedly.

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you & me

I Am Who I Am Because Of You.

So, no, you didn’t teach me everything, but you sure as hell taught me a lot. You taught me what it’s like to fight, and what I should be fighting for. You taught me what Saturday afternoons in love should be like. You taught me what midnights should feel like. And you taught me what waking up  ...

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