Rebelle Society


Kali Yuga and the Dark Medicine of the New Moon.

When we willingly meet our shadow and offer it compassion, it no longer has the power to cause harm, and instead becomes another part of the whole. The concept of oneness that we are taught through plant medicine, Yoga and other spiritual practices becomes embodied wisdom, sunk deep into our  ...

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Separation Consciousness: the Disease We All Have.

Once you've identified this place of separation, begin to think about the mindset you have around this idea. For me, I am guilty of assuming that any mistreatment I experience in a store, for example, is due to my race, as opposed to an employee having a bad day or another reason completely  ...

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On Being Forced to Master the Mythical Demon of Fear.

Why has fear become so present in my world? Fear of dying, fear of cancer, fear of seeming inauthentic, fear of offending someone, fear of writing something unoriginal -- which leads to not writing at all, fear of fucking up my kids, fear of not loving good enough, fear of isolating myself,  ...

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Defend the Sacred.

Indeed, 'Defend the Sacred' has become a popular theme of the water protectors’ movement. The water protectors are telling the 1% by putting their bodies on the line that business as usual will no longer be accepted, that they can no longer mess with what they should not.

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