Rebelle Society


Get Wet: Crash with Force into Your Purpose.

I often envision catching the tears of others in a beautiful bowl, and when the crying is done, I throw the tears to the heavens. They fly like diamond-drops to the angels, who grasp them and transform them into light. The angels beam that light right back into the original hearts. The heart is  ...

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It’s Not too Late to Take that Leap.

What would my 20-year-old self think of my almost 40-year-old self? She’d probably think, "Oh fuck, you still haven’t done any of that stuff? Now it’s way too late. You’re old. You missed the boat." And I’d say, "Yeah, I know, I know, I’ve been thinking that too."

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Finding Life While Getting High on Death.

Red flags are those juicy peaches I want to get sloppy drunk with, make out with, and then, in a series of sweet but impulsively borderline-insane decisions, self-destruct with. People who desire destruction and eroticize death do so because danger makes this life feel all the more glittery,  ...

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Keep the Pulse of Love Strong.

Stop for a moment, and think what we want this world of humanity and these generations to be remembered as: 'the worst time of violence and separation' or 'a time when humanity got their act together and started loving each other through mutual acceptance'.

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you & me

I am Whole unto Myself.

I am able to consciously remember, as I connect with beings I love with my entire soul, to allow them to be separate from me... to not need anything from them, but to welcome the receiving of love as our dances and vibrations merge and come into alignment.

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Child-Led Towards Liberation.

My son is nearing his third birthday... I watch my child sleep -- still in my arms, still at my breast -- and I question my behavior in the day that passed. Did I offer enough attention, affection and healthy stimulation? Would he be better off in preschool or if I'd sleep-trained at six months  ...

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