Rebelle Society


The Other Side of Her Illness.

What they didn't tell her about the other side is that upon arrival, the journey isn't over. It's not the end of the road, and it's not somewhere over the rainbow. Every day she climbs a mountain of thoughts. And she has to descend, wading through them again, before the sun goes down so she can  ...

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you & me

The Number One Secret to Huge Accomplishments.

We are all just human. The difference between success and failure is that failure never stops the successful. Everyone has glitches. Everyone has setbacks. You push through them, find alternatives, keep at it. The way to success is moving through fear and by taking actions. Small at first, and  ...

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To the man who asked me if I swallow.

Men of the world, there are so many of you who are incredible. So many. I am married to one such man. But the amount of harassment that any one woman receives in her lifetime is often unimaginable. That's why we armor up at times. Because we've known what it can feel like when we're exposed to  ...

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Express Yourself, don’t hold back.

When I tagged my Facebook friends on my first published article, my hands were shaky, I was sweaty, and I had trouble breathing. Even writing this article makes me feel uncomfortable, and I'm scared that people will think I'm bragging. But my main point is: Why are we hiding our talents?

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The Beautiful Truth About Your Dying Day. {poetry}

If you don’t care, and you don’t feel like you have much to do in this life besides feeding yourself and finding somewhere to kill some time on the weekends, then it’s all cool. If you do want to make some waves, express yourself, and get some 'non-essential' awesome done, then tuning into the  ...

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