Rebelle Society


Surrendering To The Warrior Circle Within.

As we dance together in this connected exchange of power and control, we instinctively realize that we are not isolated from one another, even in our mistakes. We truly recognize that we are comprised of the wisdom and spirit bestowed by those who have committed to guiding our journey, and that  ...

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You Can Almost Always Right A Wrong.

I’m fairly sure that this guy had a lot of apologies to deliver to a whole list of people who were obviously way more important than me. His apology tour was in full swing, but I had a lot of respect for him that night because he remembered being a jerk to me, and he swallowed his pride in  ...

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When It Hurts: Surviving People, Life And Madness.

These people won’t tell you the truth no way, no how because they don’t trust you (and that’s because they know you can’t trust them) or because they have too much invested in the opposing perspective. They don’t want to understand you or make allowances or hear explanations.

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For The First Time, Truth.

My healing process has been mysteriously intertwined with learning to knit... Sometimes the material we have in hand is not the most beautiful or refined. It might not be what we would have chosen had we had the choice. But we can work with what we are given. The pieces that make up the whole  ...

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Everyone Deserves Their Sacred Union.

But, the only things that we definitely know are: Are we staying true to ourselves there? Are we feeling more empowered with, or without, our partner? The answers to these questions are our final answer. Sometimes, the wisest thing to do is to accept the picture, and take our hearts out of a  ...

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