Rebelle Society

you & me

Quest For Connection: The Call To Intimacy.

When I was a child, my family connected through false means. Joint ideals, beliefs, niceties that we wore as the face of a family with strong connections to self and society. We were seen as a good family, bright kids, churchgoers, involved parents and helpful neighbors. We were connected  ...

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Until Triangle Do Us Part.

What’s better than having a mate who likes to explore for antiques or go rock climbing, just like you? Or practice Yoga? “When you merge your practice with another’s, you fall into sync with that person,” said Michelle Fondin, a Yoga teacher and member of the National Ayurvedic Medical  ...

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Laws To Live By. {poetry}

I began exploring through poetry and photography how a once vibrant, creative, opinionated, fiery woman like myself could be reduced to breakfast cereal and oversized black sweaters. That project, Ghost Girl, saved my soul. Here is a piece of it.

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What I Gained In Letting Go.

I've had relationships like this in my life. I have spent nights sobbing on the couch in my husband's arms, or lying in bed reliving situations in my head and asking myself over and over and over again: Why? Replaying how hurt I have felt, how neglected, how forgotten, how invisible. Holding my  ...

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The Sweet Side Of Rejection.

I think passionate people may be some of the most prejudiced people. We live in a culture where being jaded, bored and not caring is the ultimate in coolness. If you like someone, don’t ask him/her out... no, wait at least 4-5 days. We are trained to be emotional minimalists. Caring is  ...

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The Power Between My Legs.

Vaginas depicted in the art world don’t fare any better. What’s worse is that much of the disapproval comes from women. Go to any comments section, on any article covering vaginal art, and you’ll find a stream of women making statements such as "That’s disgusting!"

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In These Woods Alone: The Ecstatic Ache Of Creation.

The air grows heavy with the texture of sound, but the weight increases so slowly, so minutely, that if you walked into these woods alone you would begin to lose hold of your sanity, would wonder at the buzzing in your ears that fattens and develops into voices in your head as surely and as  ...

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Bohemian Horoscopes: May 2016.

Taurus: The New Moon [on May 6-7] is a fabulous time to rejuvenate your physical appearance, plus revise your plans for the future. Remember, Mercury is reversing through your sign [until May 22] so, when you’re communicating with others, stay on topic and avoid pointless arguing.

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