Rebelle Society


The Truth Beneath The Masks We Wear.

Have I become so comfortable in my discomfort, so accustomed to dying in my daily living, that I now embody a midnight mask to replace the false cheeriness of my childhood's plight? And what if I am not either or, but both, strands of black and gold that weave the web of my spider's heart?

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The World Needs Your Medicine, Woman.

We're so ready to teach on sacred archetypes, witch wounds, wild women, crones, holy sacred personal myths, what it truly means to be Wild, how to lead in fullness, working with shadow, and so, so much more. We are joining together at the solstice to celebrate. We'll be there on a Full Moon,  ...

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It’s Lucky I Am A Woman: A History Of Silence.

The book had birds on the cover. It called me to what women once were. But the questions it asked made no sense. “What is the sound of a woman screaming with her hand over her mouth?” I didn’t know. There was a hand, alright. There just wasn't any screaming. How can you know what silence is  ...

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Touched By The Devil’s Flower.

As I listen to Prince, his voice becomes the beacon calling me home to myself. I am now lost in the ultimate irony: My past is destroying my inability to be fully present right here and now. I am being liberated from and by my yesterday. There is something young, untamed, wild, receptive waking  ...

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When Holding On Becomes Too Hard.

I hope you know, nothing ever replaces the role a mother fills. I’ve met many women across my life who have held me, wiped my tears away, and listened as my voice filled the space with my ongoing internal demons and struggles.

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you & me

I Chose What ‘Me’ Is.

My dad leaving, in no exaggeration, ripped a part out of my core. I have spent years focusing on stitching that gap. Therapy, Yoga, isolation from any friendship or relationship that triggers unwanted feelings. What I did not focus on is, when my mind wanders to that forest of doubt and  ...

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