Rebelle Society


Today, I Just Want To Be Grateful.

I won't pretend I am particularly fond of the pain that seems necessary to continue evolving and healing. And depending on my mood at that moment, I might grumpily think "Yeah, right..." next time my ever-smiling Yoga teacher asks us to be filled with gratitude. But today I just want to be grateful

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you & me

Celebrate Your Aloneness, But Never Be Lonely.

I have always felt alone, but not lonely. This feeling began when I was very young and it was hard to be with. I didn’t have the tools, the knowledge or the understanding to articulate the emptiness, so began the titled vision of my aloneness. As a child, I was always standing just on the  ...

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You Can’t Always Get What You Want.

I've been learning about and loving Yoga for quite some time now, and I've remained disciplined when it comes to exercise in general. It never ceases to amaze me that I can continue to have moments like this. As with anything, sometimes you just go through the motions.

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