Rebelle Society


Darling, Don’t Be The Good Girl.

And I’ve kept my mouth shut. I’ve delicately arranged the duct tape over my own lips. Do-it-yourself oppression. Bring-your-own degradation. I’ve stood in the path of hurricanes — tied my own hands to the tracks. It’s just the way things are done, darling. It’s just the silence we all  ...

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Are You Ready To Dive Off Your Mental Cliff Edge?

If the journey were easy, everyone would do it. You have to muscle your way past the naysayers, the doubters, and the people who tell you jumping is crazy. They will judge you with their looks, tell you to your face, whisper behind your back, and block you at every turn. But if you listen  ...

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you & me

5 Ways Of An Empowered Woman.

An empowered woman acknowledges that her body is her own. No government or social and cultural conditioning could ever tamper down her sexual appetite. No matter what shape or size her body, she flaunts and peacocks her physical form -- finding pride in the skin she is in. She not only  ...

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I Don’t Believe In Waiting…

What if we simply chose to take one step? A small one, a big one, any step. What if we listened to the small urges guiding us and took a break from listening to the arguments of our mind? The brain is so good at organizing, criticizing and judging -- always living in the past or some imagined  ...

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Healer, Heal Thyself: Contemplations On Hair And Energy.

I do not feel diminished spiritually by this transition. I feel younger, and more vulnerable. I am spiritually vulnerable right now, and I do not mind the world to see it on my outside, on my face. I am a spring lamb caught in the rebirth of autumn. I am stronger now in my vulnerability than  ...

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you & me

Letter To An Absent Father.

Some days I wondered if you were thinking of me. But it was just a passing thought, and eventually these disappeared too. My smile grew bigger and tears stopped flowing. While mum worked hard to put food on the table, I taught myself to skip rocks, tie my shoe laces, and kick a soccer ball straight.

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Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams.

Our gifts are wanted, and there is a big reason why we have them. What if the glory is just beyond one more note, one more paragraph, one more prayer, or one more risk? What if we are just one more thought away from the big idea or big connection?

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