Rebelle Society


10 Ways To Awaken Your Aliveness.

Spirituality, to me, is different from being religious, as I see it as my direct relationship with a supreme being -- the source of all life. I understand the inherent worth of all religions and accept many of their wonderful teachings, but I’m not tied down to any of their dogma.

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Resistance, Surrender & Perfect Alchemy.

Even now, when I’m broke, stuck, depressed, I still manage to hold my head up high, thoroughly maintaining my hard-earned level of resistance. This dark pervert part in me has the lead, still. It is crazy, mad, irresponsible, but so fucking strong and powerful; it’s holding the reins of my life  ...

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For Cecil {poetry}

  A roar bellowed, hollow, like the ghostly wail of spirit passing out of body through the tunnels of vocal chords. Lungs let out their last exhale, like hot air balloons losing steam as they billow back towards the ground. And those massive paws pounded the ground, once with unadulterated  ...

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