Rebelle Society


A Love Letter To The Time You Gave Your Power Away.

Your constellation is burnt into the ether, into the everything, making your stamp and your mark with every letter you bind together. You were never lost, but you are always being found, uncovering, peeling back the layers, seeing just how far you can expand. That’s the big secret, the giant  ...

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Go Mad For What You Believe In.

You must be mad enough, strong enough, brave enough, to turn inwardly. Everything you’ll ever need to create eternal passages of magic is already within your reach. Just close your eyes and trust. You must write like you’re obsessed.

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I Don The Harlot’s Robe With Gusto.

Finally, I want to sever these doctrines from my desire and from my womanly body. There is nothing culpable in women’s desire or even in our nakedness. It is healthy and beautiful for a woman to show up in this world as a fully participating human being entitled to her sexual sovereignty and  ...

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How Do You Approach The Poses You Hate?

Did I ever tell you I hate Anjaneyasana? I used to actually make an audible sigh whenever it was called out in class, but now I’ve learned to accept that it’s part of the practice, therefore it’s a part of my life. I can suffer or I can surrender.

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