Rebelle Society

you & me

Why Did You Stop Believing In Her Magic?

I still believe in magic. I still believe that I live in a magical place, despite its blood-tinged wars and dark shadowed schemes. A world created from the pitch. Because we are made of magic and we are the starlight shooting forth from that dark. I still pray to goddesses, I read tarot cards,  ...

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The Girl Who Jumps Fences.

… it’s not my fault. It’s not your fault. It’s not our fault. We’re not victims. We’re not survivors. We’re human beings who’ve been through some fucking awful shit. Some of the worst. We experienced some of the most obscene acts of depravation one human being is capable of inflicting upon another.

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Divine Derelicts Love You Anyway.

Divine Derelicts: you never know when someone is going to become one. Some of the most wildish and powerful men and women I’ve ever known, people who intervened on my behalf when I was too young, too confused, too sick or too blind, have been Divine Derelicts on both sides of the  ...

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