Rebelle Society


Mary Was A Scarlet Woman.

Much of biblical history would like to cast Mary as little more than a bit player in story about God and men. For their part, the church fathers would like to dress her up in a suitably modest robe, confine her to the narrow dictates of a false kind of purity and then send her off to do the  ...

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Playing With Mean Barbie.

  I have come to a conclusion. The residents of Dallas are Texas’ version of tin men. They have no heart. Oh, they’re perfectly shined and pretty. They smile. They speak with a cute hospitable twang. But when they say y’all, they really mean not you. Unless, of course, you have passed The  ...

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Finding The Light In The Darkness.

Alone is not the same as lonely. Lonely is lacking the presence of another. Alone is being with yourself, listening to your life speak to you. Alone is being friends with yourself. Can you befriend yourself in this space? This is the most powerful friendship you will ever have. There is nothing  ...

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