Rebelle Society

you & me

The Gift Of Restlessness.

The hollow places inside of you that you’ve been trying to cram with the impermanent things of this world are magnified. Turned into chasms, a deep well you are terrified to peek into for fear of what you may find in the darkness.

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Desperately Seeking A Sense Of Purpose.

I have always wanted to be heard. Not to achieve some modicum of glory or fame (not that I haven’t fantasized about the limelight, of course I have), but to feel like I’ve given the world something of value through my work. And I mean work that is deeply personal, not just a function of survival.

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5 Spiritual Life-Hacks For An Awakening Soul.

Although utterly destroyed, it is only through such breaking open that the acorn might become the oak. Discomfort, pain and difficulty often accompany too our own spiritual germination. After all, we are being planted in our own ground of being and must break open in order to grow.

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