Rebelle Society


Repressed Anger: The Systemic Destroyer.

Sitting with your anger, giving it attention and a voice will soothe the burn and open a new doorway to your heart. There you will discover broken dreams, hurts and unresolved disappointments at the fiery hearth. This is your sacred space to mourn the losses, and rebuild confidence in your life.

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archives, yoga

Why You Don’t Want to Practice Yoga.

When you really start practicing Yoga, there will be moments you’re going to wish, to beg, that it was that temporary and that you could go back to before, but you can’t. When you step on that mat, with a true teacher in an authentic studio, be warned, a giant storm is headed your way.

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Outgrowing Your Box of Shoulds.

It was there that I woke up and I was free. Free of the shoulds, free of the bullying, the confusion, the self-doubt. I went to Yoga by myself, every day. I cried in Yoga, I felt free, I felt sad, I felt everything. There are no words to describe the magic that was given to me and I wanted to  ...

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you & me

Letting Go Of More Pain Than You Have To Gain.

Even if our friendships, however deep and profound we may perceive them to be, however much care, love, and nurturing we may have poured into them along the way, may not be the same as they once were in their glory days, it does not necessarily mean that the times shared in the past were for naught.

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