Rebelle Society

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This Light of Mine.

It is not extinguishable. It cannot be held captive by your distorted view of the Divine. Its ownership cannot be assigned to you. It is now running from this room. It is fleeing this church, and it is coming home to the Church of My Body. It has lived through thousands of years of sinking,  ...

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For the Women like You. {poetry}

She held his gaze. She told me she had put on all the layers of clothes she could, before he told her to get in the back of the truck. A jacket over a jacket over a jacket. His chin-drool. She held his gaze steady.

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She Came Back: The Time for Her Silence Is Over.

He made me remember everything. Everything. Not just this lifetime, but the deeper pattern of a line of sexual abuse that started at the banishment of the feral feminine across the planet. The deception. The lies. The violation a million times too many times. Not just this life, but the root of  ...

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Love Transforms All Pain: Healing from Sexual Abuse.

It is critical at this time to share what you are going through, with someone you trust. If you don’t, the turmoil of emotions may leave you feeling crazy, depressed, and helpless. Triggers allow us to clear out what no longer serves us, and by talking about this, we add another dimension to  ...

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