Rebelle Society

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Choose to Rewrite Happily Ever After.

I chose to fill my void with what I loved before I lost myself in the fuck-boy abyss. I chose to spend time traveling, reading, exploring different spiritualities, meeting new people. I chose to live for myself, and abandon my Disney-induced little-girl dreams. I chose a fairy tale in which the  ...

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Find Your Strength And Free Yourself. {poetry}

I am rewriting my story day by day. It may not be a fairy tale, but it will still be a happy story. I hope my words help others to break free and heal themselves. If you are in such a situation, know that I was able to get free and so can you. Reach deep within yourself and find that strength  ...

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Notes from the Abyss. {poetry}

All is angst. I sit in between those empty bookshelves and weep. I weep as I see the dream fading away. I weep as I see our vision disappear. What you deserve becomes your need. What we deserve is our need. My eyes burn. Fate destroys wishes, so wish not for death.

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