Rebelle Society

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We Need Our Old Wounds, Even When They Ache.

Sometimes we don't know we have made it through a tumultuous period of our life, or that we have overcome a traumatic experience for the most part, until we're 10 years down the road, when we notice that there have been months strung together where we weren't aching or raving or raging or  ...

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you & me

22 Ways To Be A Badass.

Do wear the cobalt-blue floor-length gown to a formal party. No one else will. Others will be off in corners, bleating like sheep in a different version of the same little black dress. Saunter in like you own the place, sing your best karaoke version of You're No Good by Linda Rondstadt, then  ...

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archives, wisdom

4 Ways To Practice Love In The Time Of War.

How do we speak, not to the defenses and the armor, the puffed chests and bolstered cases, but to the innocent creatures beneath, rattled and confused? How do we step into the battlefield with curiosity, not to fight, but to call one another home? How do we call each other back to our own  ...

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you & me

Flow Happens When We Melt.

Tainted by my own mess, I had just cause to feel numb, unsure and insolent toward life, and I kept trying to bleed a bit more into a vial that couldn’t be filled. It soon became evident that clinging to resentment was too hard, and my results were more than redundant, cold and tiresome.

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My Banging-Around Heart: Growing Up Unseen.

It is terrifying, arduous and painful work to discover, accept, and embrace all of who you really are, to let go of the story of being unseen, and to leave behind the paradoxical safety and comfort zone of your chaotic banging-around pain. It may feel insurmountable or impossible to believe  ...

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