Rebelle Society

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Hey Baby, What’s Your Zodiac Sign?

I realize that we all have characteristics going beyond what it means to be born on a certain day. But when you add one’s place of birth, and time of birth, their true self is revealed, uncovering information that is specific. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the birth records of everyone  ...

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Find Your Strength And Free Yourself. {poetry}

I am rewriting my story day by day. It may not be a fairy tale, but it will still be a happy story. I hope my words help others to break free and heal themselves. If you are in such a situation, know that I was able to get free and so can you. Reach deep within yourself and find that strength  ...

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you & me

The Spaces Of Loneliness.

We won’t forget the unrelatable moments of emptiness. When the freedom we had once brandished as a flag turned into a freezing sword of guilt, of having left what we once had. When the fog around us got too thick, too thick to see anything, when fear knocked back on our doors, to suck all our  ...

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you & me

How To Love A Sagittarius.

We are intense in everything that we do, this includes brooding. We will scare you and you will not understand where we’ve disappeared to, what deep chasm within ourselves we’ve slipped into to find solitude and room to expand; where we find the silence to think. Love us there, in that dark  ...

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