Rebelle Society

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Finding The Light In The Darkness.

Alone is not the same as lonely. Lonely is lacking the presence of another. Alone is being with yourself, listening to your life speak to you. Alone is being friends with yourself. Can you befriend yourself in this space? This is the most powerful friendship you will ever have. There is nothing  ...

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you & me

You Are Not Alone.

It gets better. You’re not alone. I promise that I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Sometimes life just hurts. It tramples over your sensitive skin with the weight of every elephant known to man. And then all those elephants start to jump up and down. At the same time.

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Dear Dreamer, You Are Not Alone.

How will we be able to close our eyes in peace when time has come, if we ignore our idealistic hearts, if we ignore the voices of this world calling out to us? Let’s send each other love. Let’s think about other dreamers out there, facing the same challenges we do.

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