Rebelle Society

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Angela Paul


Berning in Philly: Thank You, Senator Sanders.

Without a doubt, I believe Bernie Sanders would have been one of the greatest Presidents that ever lived. I am scared of what awaits this country. Bernie has changed me -- made me feel more alive, and infinitely more awake. He will continue as the most beloved, trusted and popular Senator in  ...

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I Can Have Doubt & Still Have Faith.

I can be grateful and still not be content. I can be content and still be restless. I can have enough and still want more. I can be at peace and still have desires. I can love and still feel anger. I can feel deep sadness and still feel indescribable joy.

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Grief: An Unruly Companion.

As painful as this experience was, it was also the most sacred moment of my life. How grateful I felt to have been a witness to his life and his death. And how unsettling to be in the presence of death and yet feel so alive, so broken with sorrow and yet so riveted by the magnitude and majesty  ...

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Sexy, Crazy Marriage.

I have learned a lot about myself in the context of my marriage. I am good at being married. I am a devoted and loving wife, at least part-time. But don’t get me wrong: The love I feel for my man is a full-time thing, and always will be.

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