Rebelle Society

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Express Yourself, don’t hold back.

When I tagged my Facebook friends on my first published article, my hands were shaky, I was sweaty, and I had trouble breathing. Even writing this article makes me feel uncomfortable, and I'm scared that people will think I'm bragging. But my main point is: Why are we hiding our talents?

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I Am Capable. {poetry}

There are many things I can do (even those things don’t have to be perfect), whether silly or small, or things I only do for myself. They don’t have to be shiny things wrapped up with bows. I could be a great pessimist, or the best at ruining pancakes because I flip them too soon. The point is  ...

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We Teach Best What We Most Need To Learn.

... next time you have the inspiration to create/write/paint/say something but don’t -- because you feel like you’re not good enough, not worthy enough, not experienced enough, not consistent enough, not perfect enough -- do it anyway.

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Bloom: Creating New Life After Loss.

As I write these words, it has now been three months since my brother passed away, and I find myself standing on the precipice of spring looking back over my shoulder at the steps I have journeyed since. They are jagged and disparate, crooked and uneven with no order to them other then they are  ...

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Make More Art: The Health Benefits Of Creativity.

In our always-on, always-connected world of television, social media, and on-demand everything, it can be stupidly easy to spend your entire day consuming information and simply responding to all of the inputs that bombard your life. Art offers an outlet and a release from all of that.

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