Rebelle Society

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I Don’t Believe In Waiting…

What if we simply chose to take one step? A small one, a big one, any step. What if we listened to the small urges guiding us and took a break from listening to the arguments of our mind? The brain is so good at organizing, criticizing and judging -- always living in the past or some imagined  ...

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To Live Freely In A Wild Place.

Once disappeared in the house, she began to disappear herself. It was gradual -- she was surprised if she caught her reflection, at the face looking back. It suited her, the invisibility of old age was just more freedom, for a woman especially. Only she rarely had to think about it, what would  ...

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you & me

Desire, Innocence, Love and Elijah Wood.

A dream is a wish your heart makes When you’re fast asleep In dreams you will lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing the dream that you wish  ...

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‘Failed’ Relationships.

If you’re staying in a relationship that doesn’t fulfill you, challenge you or resonate with you because you feel obligated to a deal or a contract you made with another human being, you are depriving both of you of opportunities for happiness and growth.

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you & me

The Boys & Girls Who Lived.

So here we are, in the dark of the night, swimming in the moon rays. Here we all are -- you, me, the Boys and Girls Who Lived, carrying, always, the last living fragments of our own attempted murderers, and remembering, if we can, that it is not our abilities that make us who we are, but our choices.

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