Rebelle Society

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Find Your Strength And Free Yourself. {poetry}

I am rewriting my story day by day. It may not be a fairy tale, but it will still be a happy story. I hope my words help others to break free and heal themselves. If you are in such a situation, know that I was able to get free and so can you. Reach deep within yourself and find that strength  ...

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Finding Her Way To Feel Again — Guilt-Free.

She wanted to make a difference in other people’s lives, and was inspired by a program offered by Landessportbund (an institution governed by the state of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany) to empower young girls, teaching them self-defense and instilling in them awareness about self-assertion.  ...

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you & me

Sisters, Let Us Drop Our Swords.

We need one another. This need runs deep through the ancient marrow of our bones. Belonging is woven through our DNA. We belong with and to one another. We want to move with the wisdom of our Supreme Sister -- Mother Nature -- guiding our every move. We need our sisters’ strength.

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you & me

5 Ways Of An Empowered Woman.

An empowered woman acknowledges that her body is her own. No government or social and cultural conditioning could ever tamper down her sexual appetite. No matter what shape or size her body, she flaunts and peacocks her physical form -- finding pride in the skin she is in. She not only  ...

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Healer, Heal Thyself: Contemplations On Hair And Energy.

I do not feel diminished spiritually by this transition. I feel younger, and more vulnerable. I am spiritually vulnerable right now, and I do not mind the world to see it on my outside, on my face. I am a spring lamb caught in the rebirth of autumn. I am stronger now in my vulnerability than  ...

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Empower and Breathe: Join the Fashion Revolution.

We know that the way we react to everything is powerful, and as we stand on our Yoga mats transforming our conditioning and bringing down more love and light, how much deeper is that if we know that head to toe we are representing this aligned loving action through what we wear.

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