Rebelle Society

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We Make Our own Medicine.

Everything is vibration. This we know. Plants, flowers, herbs, crystals, have long been used to settle the unsettled parts of the human body and to soothe the bruised psyche. They help tame the wild beasts within. To offer compassion for pain, kindness to trauma, and forgiveness to strikes  ...

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you & me

I am Whole unto Myself.

I am able to consciously remember, as I connect with beings I love with my entire soul, to allow them to be separate from me... to not need anything from them, but to welcome the receiving of love as our dances and vibrations merge and come into alignment.

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For My Women. {poetry}

Hello, Mother Earth, your bounty blessings blessed me with the capacity to know/hear/see/speak/sing/dance upon your glorious body. I hold your ancient wisdom inside me, and every day I pray in gratitude for your willingness to keep me safe, always adventurous and forever wandering.

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The Beast And I: Seeing All Of Myself.

And as my heart told her that it loved her, that 'I' love her, she began to sob. She sobbed the trillions of tears that had formed the great ocean within her. And I held her in my arms as I watched them fall, one by one to the ground, and explode into a million particles that quenched the  ...

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