Rebelle Society

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Being Raw & Vulnerable With The Wolf At The Door.

Courage moves through the chaos, one steady step at a time. Your heartache is like a free fall. You can scramble to fill the void, grabbing for whatever fix you can to numb the jagged edges. You can also persevere with quiet dignity. In every moment there are choices, even in survival mode.

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15 Things I Wish My Mother Had Told Me.

It’s perfectly okay to defy societal convention. I actually encourage it. But know what you’re up against and be prepared for the difficulty that can sometimes come with it. Our culture only tolerates rebels to a degree. Once you’ve crossed that line, you’re in tricky territory. This isn’t to  ...

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How To Find Grace Through The Grieving Of Death.

“Help,” I thought, looking around to others, “I need a tourniquet. Can’t you see my friend is dying?” But as I search the familiar faces around me, I realize they are all bleeding out in their grief. There isn’t enough triage in the world to save you from this pain.

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