Rebelle Society

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Healer, Heal Thyself: Contemplations On Hair And Energy.

I do not feel diminished spiritually by this transition. I feel younger, and more vulnerable. I am spiritually vulnerable right now, and I do not mind the world to see it on my outside, on my face. I am a spring lamb caught in the rebirth of autumn. I am stronger now in my vulnerability than  ...

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Why Staying Present With Loss Is An Act Of Devotion.

I did not engage in this practice to prove something to myself or anyone else. I was not interested in flexing my spiri­tual muscles. I did it for Jenny. My willingness to stay present through this process was an act of devotion. By leaning into the horror and yielding to the sorrow, by  ...

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you & me

For The Sensitive Warriors With Healing Hearts.

If something feels right to you deep down and won’t harm you or anyone else, just do it without delving into a myriad of endless questions or self-doubt, wondering how it all makes sense or how it will work out. The limited human mind often cannot make sense of the language of the heart and  ...

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